Cartoonists Draw Blood in Fairfax on November 22, 2023

Cartoonists Draw Blood — blood drive with the American Red Cross is taking place on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 (yes, the day before Thanksgiving) from 10AM-4PM at 8550 Arlington Blvd. Fairfax, VA 22031 in the Briefing Room.
Blood donors meet local cartoonists and take home a complementary sketch after their appointment. As an added incentive, the American Red Cross is providing a limited edition pair of socks featuring the film Elf to blood donors.
Link to schedule appointments to donate blood:
Facebook invite:
Instagram post:
Please consider sharing this event notice on the socials — it’s a great way to be thankful and give back this season even if you can’t give blood at this time.
Artists scheduled to appear: Joe Sutliff, Steve Loya, Carolyn Belefski