Over the weekend I felt a bit sad. The news that one of my favorite artists, Darwyn Cooke, was sick hit the internet on Friday and immediately I felt sick to my stomach because I had a bad feeling about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for turtle-neck
I’ve started a Patreon site, right now it’s a “tip jar” where I plan on sharing behind-the-scenes sketches and other production material you won’t see elsewhere online. If you have one dollar — or a few dollars — to spare each[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hi! Welcome to the world of Curls! You can purchase the new Curls book collection at www.carolynbelefski.com/store. Use promo code “HOLIDAY15” to save 15% on all orders from now until the end of the year. We have some good deals going on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The new Curls book collection has arrived! You can purchase it at www.carolynbelefski.com/store or this coming weekend at Baltimore Comic-Con (we’ll be in the Kids Love Comics section at Table 3011). If you pledged to the Kickstarter, you can pick-up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Turtle Neck… what a little sneaker! This strip was colored by Sammy Savos. She worked as an intern this summer for Curls Studio and is off to SVA in New York to pursue cartooning! We will be releasing a joint[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Life Is A Video Game
Hi everyone — hope you are doing well. I feel better now that Curls has her heart back. Feeling much better now than a week ago — throwing up and missed out on watching WWE Money In The Bank at[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
KICKSTARTER ANNOUNCEMENT: We are in the final days of the Curls Kickstarter to print every Curls comic strip in one book. We are currently 95% funded with 2 days to go. Only $250 is needed until we reach the goal of $5,000. Thank you so much to anyone[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
KICKSTARTER ANNOUNCEMENT: Do you know we have a Curls Kickstarter to print all the Curls comic strips ever in one book? Currently we are nearly 75% funded with 9 days to go. This past week I was on several podcasts to help promote and there are more[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
KICKSTARTER ANNOUNCEMENT: Do you know we have a Curls Kickstarter to print all the Curls comic strips ever in one book? Currently we are over 60% funded with 16 days to go. Yesterday Bleeding Cool posted this article about Curls and how we are making comics fun[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…