Hi everyone,

I’m happy to report that the Curls Kickstarter was recently successfully funded! We were over half-way towards approaching our stretch goal too!  I’m very excited and proud for running a legit campaign that grew organically. I only spent around $30 to print up postcards to distribute at Smudge, SC Comicon (my pals at The Dollar Bin helped there), and a few local stores and libraries. I did not pay for any PR or online advertising.

A lot of ideas brewing around in my head for the Curls book. If you’re a backer, I’ll be sending out some updates after decompressing from running the Kickstarter campaign.

Thank you all a million times for pledging and more. I know many people could not pledge, let showed support on social media. I really appreciate ALL your participation and interest.


P.S. If you are near New Jersey, I’ll be at East Coast Comicon next weekend. Hope to see you there or at one of the other events on tour this year.