Recap: Maryland STEM Festival Art Contest Kick-Off Event

Curls Studio had a fabulous time yesterday kicking off the Maryland STEAM Art Competition. We got to meet a lot of cool science people and learn more about the different fields of study and opportunities to create for young scientists. We went into the STEAM Bus from Howard County Library System, talked to representatives from the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, saw VR in front of our table, and took part in some spin art.
One of the activity tables was doing something similar to my HijINKs! Inktober project from 2019 where you blow in a straw to move paint around on paper. It seems I have been injecting STEAM into my artwork for awhile and I believe that is the direction to head toward. If you look at many of my #CarolynsCreativeChallenge projects that started in 2020, you can see unplanned STEAM influence. Even Curls had a whole storyline where she was a Mad Scientist many years ago!
I also represent National Cartoonists Society (I’m the Washington, DC chapter chair) and handed out brochures and postcards about the organization and it’s 27 Club, a young professionals program for cartoonists.
More photos will be on my Instagram (@CarolynBelefski) Feed and Stories shortly.
Thank you to Maryland STEM Festival for having us. We hope to do more STEAM activities in the future. Our next tour stop is Small Press Expo next weekend (September 17-18) in Bethesda, Maryland.